
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. It is our endeavour to empower communities to have access to various means of livelihood as well as personality development. Our past experience has also taught us that constant career counseling, refresher training and confidence building workshops are critical to building a strong workforce as well. NTPC promotes policies and programmes that focus on enhancing capability, improving equity and increasing social sustainability.

Capacity Building

Key Initiatives in capacity building:

  • NTPC has committed to providing training to 8000 nos of youths in Ladakh and J&K UTs, primarily in Leh & Ladakh Region through NSDC & NSDF.
  • NTPC has adopted 18 ITIs wherein 24 new trades have been started and 1595 new seats added. NTPC is also setting up 8 new ITIs under R&R.
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