
The comprehensive CSR process comprises of four stages i.e. (1) Planning, (2) Implementation, (3) Monitoring & Evaluation and (4) Documentation & Communication

Approach Process


NTPC's CSR Activities are:

  • Identified through need assessment survey periodically and/or inputs from panchayat, district administration, neighbourhood community, various stakeholders including public representatives, Village Development Advisory Committee (VDAC) and other participatory forums/bodies like interaction with senior management etc.
  • In line with the list of activities specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 & rules made there under.


As all our CSR projects are given the foremost priority, they are carried out in phased manner with clearly defined deliverables and strict timelines and through specialized agencies and Employee Voluntary Organizations for Initiatives in Community Development (EVOICE).

Monitoring & Evaluation

The effectiveness of any progamme lies in its continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation. To this effect, NTPC has devised a two-tier monitoring mechanism involving external as well as internal evaluation. There is regular monitoring at Units, Regions & Corporate Center with monthly & quarterly reporting. A full fledged internal audit is carried out to ensure effective implementation. Independent agencies of repute/standing conduct regular evaluation / Transparent Assessment for gauging the impact of our CSR-CD initiatives as well.

Documentation & Communication

Reliable documentation and communication play a key role for us to reap the full benefits of these initiatives. The two way information flow help in measuring the effectiveness of the programmes, laying the seed of new ideas as well as future planning. Documentation and communication takes the form of annual reports, internet, brochures and reports put before the Committee of Board for CSR.

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